Friday, December 7, 2007

Shoe Leather Steaks

Have you ever wondered why there are so many odd 'Boots' and 'Shoes' all missing the leather soles but heels intact, littering various alley ways and the river here in Cluj? Well dear reader, I can know (after a lot of sole destroying pavement work) reveal the real reasons for this strange littering.

After marking said finds on a tourist map, it showed a pattern. Every dead piece of footware was with hopping distance of a 'Restaurant'. It turns out that the footware does not actually belong to customers who have fled without paying for their meals, rather the opposite! They did leave with help, after eating steak dinners.

These wonderful 'Steaks'? are served well done, (charcoal scraped off) and to help disguise the origin of the meat? One is expected to dissect it into chewable bits, with the help of A Butter Knife! Yes, a crafty move to distract you from recognising it as genuine leather, you are so busy attempting to hack it into 'edible bits' that the first indication all is not right, is your stomach tells you things like - "I prefer it when you don't eat" or "I think I'll practice my knots now".

Don't, repeat don't ever eat a steak dinner in the town centre, unless it is for insurance purposes, it is not worth a ruined brake, have a healthy side-salad instead! As I mentioned earlier, you do leave with help, Paramedic and Ambulance especially for you.

Yes, after lots of hunting, there is a good restaurant on the outskirts of town that serves excellent steaks. highly recommended by me and other steak lovers, to protect the chef from execution, this venue is a closely guarded secret.

A, B, C you tomorrow dear reader, take care till then.

Coming Tomorrow...   How to eat well with no change to spend.

I understand your thrice entered comment Sabrina, not being a chatterbox user anymore explains all, perhaps you need a whiteknight to help this stutter, or even an orange to distract you from keyboard jitters :-)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've also noted that wellington boots are sometimes served as calamari. Only for those on a seafood and eat it diet!

Sabrina x

Ps. a white knight sounds nice.