Sunday, December 9, 2007

How To Legally Charge For Sunlight

Ok, here we go, how to charge for sunlight legally, first, make sure you live within the howls of werewolves and flutter of bats, failing this instill fear into the inhabitants of Transylvania (Horror-Nation Street, would be a good name for the soap opera) Then engage in a ludicrous contract with SIEMENS for their super dooper WHE 30S (2004) model meter for heating measurements. So whilst SIEMENS struggle to produce nearly 6 digit quantities for you, instill rage into your victims by charging for something they can't see or measure at all.

The invisible charge is - Take into account miles of communal heating and water pipes that are made from now old rusting steel, losing heat and water into the ground on a daily 24 hours a day basis, charge the earth for this gross negligence and make no effort to repair or replace them. (there are hidden cash in pocket benefits here, healthy worms all year round for the birds, also lots of large snails for selling to the French restaurants, yes folks, large numbers of edible snails come from Romania to be enjoyed by the French.) Not to mention green plants (flowers as well) were they shouldn't be in the winter months and fresh grass all year round. (I'll probably get -50 out of 10 for noticing and pointing that out!)

Pocket all this ripped of cash and give nothing in return, even today no effort has been made to fix these pipes at all, there's plenty of cashspare after all these 'SIEMENS' WHE 30S (2004 model) devices have been purchased and installed (no choice in the matter for residents) This in turn, cheers the residents up who are led to believe that the 'Powers-that-be' are now playing fair! This way after 10 plus years of rip-offs and no replaced pipework, the general public forgets the years of being charged for nothing at all.

Sound good to you so far? Next feed plausible verbal garbage to your minions under your control that can in turn feed it to anyone who shows any sign of having more than one active neuron and 'Hey Presto' a nearly fool proof legal rip-off is now taking place!

Quite a nice little earner, problem is as more people are waking up to huge Summer heating bills for the last two years, (the heating goes off in April and is turned back on in October) the first heating bill is delivered 3rd week of October and is (so far, several comparative bills from umpteen locations here in Cluj-Napoca have been seen, more this year than last and 'Ouch' it was similar last year as well)

It gets even better, at around 140 Lei per customer for heat they haven't used, (more if unfortunate enough to face South, multiplied by the heated addresses who have no choice what-so-ever to be connected to communal heating and 'WOW' "quick open several Swiss bank accounts, we can't fit it in our pockets fast enough!"

More tomorrow, see the meter readings from examples and read some of the lame excuses that are used to fob the over active neurons from growing further, plus what isn't being done to improve the situation or why refunds are not even being made for blatant overcharging. (failure of tomorrows blog appearing, probably means I'm at the 3rd salt mine on the left)


1 more photovideos to come on the 'Festivalul Luminii' (The Festival of Lights)

Pt 1 - The Candle Walk,    Pt 2 - Ice Sculpture    Pt 3 - Fire Juggling

Part 2 - Ice Sculpture published this morning

Part 3 - Fire Juggling was published a few mins ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh the injustice of it all! Sounds like you wont be letting the bloo-suckers rip you off for long, good doctor!

Sabrina  x

PS. email me, I need some fiendly advice.