Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Who, Why, When, Where, What

Boffin1157's 'Blog'


Who are we to expect those around us to understand what we are saying and showing if we do not attempt to try to listen or show we have listened to what has been said or learned from another that is or was present?

Why do we know better than another if we do not give or show feedback in response to any matter or matters learnt from another, or prefer to learn from an absent third party, later on rather than those closest to us?

When 'World War 4' has broken out and mutual self destruction has been inflicted on each other, do we decide that the former 2 questions are the correct steps to follow every time?

Where should we go, or try to go once the first 3 questions have been deemed to be correct moves in the first place and confusion is filling any gaps that 'Oil on stormy waters' should be filling?

What should we do next for those we claim to have nearest to us, when we feel that the previous 4 questions should not be acted on or enforced any longer. Instead of acting on them alone, can they be compounded into a new building block so 'Real New Progress' can be made and our 'Old Habits' broken once and for all?

The answer is 'Love' it builds great bridges to the future, but first 'Love' others before yourself, 'Love' yourself before others,without the Chicken there is no Egg, without the Egg there is no Chicken.

A, B, Catch you later dear reader.

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