The excuse we come up with are many and varied, the trouble is we are so used to hearing them that, we either ignore them, or disbelieve them fullstop.
The other side of the coin is amusingly unamusing, each generation has original excuses of its own, (so they believe at the time) but we have heard and used them all before.
Now here is where the fun begins, 'So-n-so' tells 'whoever' that this excuse always works, so 'whoever' tells it to 'another', but the resulting feeble excuse fails miserably because 'another' has used it themselves in their dark past, won the excuse battle and now daily holds power over others. Result, grief for 'whoever' who vows never to use that excuse again.
The honest 'guy' or 'gal' suffers in the long run, because they are honest, vainly looking for an excuse so 'unique' they can claw their way up the ladder of deviousness to a better life and control over others.
The expert excuse givers, go on to become to become... Politicians, Defence Lawyers, Gang leaders, Bankers, Insurance Salesmen, Company Directors, in fact anyone who knows expertly how not to break the law, instead how far the laws can be bent to their advantage without them 'snapping' or 'breaking'.
Do excuses work? Sometimes! Does honesty pay? Always in the long run, well worth the wait, those who bend excuses always fall in the end, even the asbestos suitcase brigade run out of luck in the end.
A, B, Catch you later dear reader.
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