Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Past Has Gone... Its Still Here Today

Today is 'Revolution Day' here in Romania

Take a look around you today, tomorrow and the next day etc, etc, etc

Life goes on for us all, or does it?

For so many it stopped years ago and now these people (Humans just like you and me, dear reader) they simply exist! Victims of Ignorance. Victims of Bullies. Victims of Regimes. Victims of Greed. Victims of Hate. Victims who don't know when to stop persecuting those around them today, who have done them no harm at all. Victims of the victims, who are being taught to be scared of something that is no longer present, but will be by instilling the fear into them today. Victims who take solace by picking on victims.

Unfortunately this list is endless and also unfortunately there are always those who will take advantage.

(Making the victims pay yet again and again for something they had no control over)

Manipulating others for their own ends, growing richer and unhappier from the suffering of others, they can't spend all their ill-gotten gains, they certainly can't take it to the next world with them!

(Unless they have a very large 'Asbestos Suitcase')

By exasperating the victims misfortunes, the greed and manipulation of said, is certain to continue, no question about it at all.

Are they such narrow minded individuals that they fail to see that they and every victim could all gain and profit far more from pulling/working together?

The policy of making the most out of 'Hero Worship' of the 'Forces of Darkness' will stop one day, just as the 'Regime' here ended in 1989, but still lives on in the victims as if it was yesterday, as fresh today due to those who blatantly took and take advantage of the suffering inflicted in the darkest days, lets see a growing end towards the 'Storm Ripples' that still spread across this pond of nearly humanity!

Within a year, many had gone back to living their lives as if those who had been overthrown and those ousted from the country were still present - Many still live like this today 20 years later, many of whom will only see real freedom when they die (hopefully of natural causes) after growing up under Nazi Occupation, Russian Occupation, and Communist Kremlin 'Puppets'

True many were punished for their actions inflicted on the population here. However, many who got away with it, still rule the roost today - How? By putting on a different hat and changing their job and also job description just enough to make it look good.

One odd twist that took place here is this...

Whilst under the occupation of the Russians, foreign travel was allowed - On the condition that you left one family member behind to make sure you returned by the date set.

Today, thousands have left Romania to live and work abroad - Many of these people have left behind one family member, in this case of their own free will to ensure they 'Can' come back at a later date.

This may sound crazy to westerners who have never lived a lifetime in a country occupied by a foreign power, or under any form of oppressive regime - Its almost as if the whole country is simply going through the motions of living life today, keeping the country in 'Mothballs' till the occupying forces return at a currently unknown date.

Pretending that everything is fine, far from it the graveyards are stilling filling up with people who never knew freedom and will carry on doing so for many years to come. The skills they learnt to survive are still being handed down. The families in power then are still in power today, despite the different hat that is worn today.

There is I am glad to say a growing (slowly though) percentage of the population who are keen to move into the 21st century, at least they have reached double figures now percentage wise.

No, this is not simply a problem here, it is all over, everywhere people are who are affected by people who take great joy in causing mental and physical pain on others and taking advantage of this pain and suffering afterwards. Be it 'Nation against Nation', or individual against individual.

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