Friday, August 7, 2009

Cele 7 minuni ale comunismului / The 7 wonders of communism

1. Toti aveau de lucru/ Everybody had a job

2. Desi toti lucrau, nimeni nu munce/ Even if everyone had a job, nobody worked.

3. Desi nimeni nu muncea, planul se face/ Even if nobody worked, the production was achieved.

4. ... Desi planul se facea, nimic nu se gasea/ Even if the production was achieved, there was nothing to buy.

5. Desi nimic nu se gasea, toti aveau/ Even if there was nothing to sell, everybody had enough.

6. Desi aveau, toti furau/ Even if everybody had enough, everyone was stealing.

7. Desi toti furau... nimic nu lipsea !/ Even if everybody was stealing, nothing was missing!

De ce nu ne-o fi placut? / I wonder why we didn't like it.

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