Cats! Wonderful feline friends, or are they? Do we own them, or do they own us. A question that they seem determined to constantly confuse us when ever we try to ask or answer it. When they don't need anything at all they are quite happy to just be there, or there, or there, or even there.
But, when they want something, they certainly let us know and raise merry hell till they get it, (kids ignore that bit, you aren't cats) also when they don't want something or have changed their minds and taste when it comes to food being served to them as well (ignore that bit for the same reason kids). The choice of food for them is immense, maybe they have telepathic connections with professional cat food-tasters at the labs, either way it is a way they show they own us, purring, meowing and other 'I care' noises - then blatantly attacking the prized chippendale furniture to sharpen their claws giving the furniture a 'distressed look' free of charge. But then the table is skillfully turned on us, we make the mistake of telling them off, a bad move by us, they lose their appetite for the 2 dozen cans of food in the larder, several pkts of biscuit, all the treats under the sun brought to pamper them. Result, the ownership of us is enforced again, we lovingly depart to the shops after trying a bit of all 2 dozen cans of cat food (all different flavours) to buy yet more. As for cat, in our absence has raided the bin and eaten nearly of the rejected food - a detail we do not notice till the replacement meal has been partially eaten by the feline manipulator aka Cat!
Now medication is another headache, giving them tablets is sheer fun (hell) they unlike dogs can not be bribed to take a single tablet, no matter how small, it skillfully re-emerges intact as soon as our back is turned - but thereis an answer to this dilemma - a blowpipe! yes it works well thefirm but gentle blast of air, propelling the tablet into thier open mouths is such a surprise to them, that they swallow the tablet before they know it is there, due to the sudden influx of air causing them to swallow. result... Cat 0 v Owner 2 (being the number of tablets dispensed without trouble before they grow wise to this method.
A, B, Catch you later dear reader!
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