Rather puzzled as to where I am, am I here in Romania? Or am I in the UK? Found out today that some certain party has declared via the electoral roll in the UK that I am still living there at CT11 8QF. Since I left the UK on the 24th August, the form for registering/re-registering on the electoral roll had not been issued, yet some one has deliberately declared I am still living at that address.
This is doubly annoying, as I tried to register as an overseas voter and was told no as I was registered at a UK address, despite Embassy Registration within a fortnight of arriving here, and Garlik.com via independent research confirmed this in their monthly report to me, in November when the new roll is published as well as earlier today in their latest report to me.
So who has gone out of their way to 'Steal' my vote? Is it the same person/persons who also illegally opened mail addressed to me (no permission had been given for anyone to open my mail, therefore a criminal act was commited by them. Interferring with the 'Royal Mail' is still an offence) and stole rather than returning to sender or forwarding as requested, my and my mothers birth certificates, returned addressed to me only from Glasgow Passport Office? Yes, I did check. No they were not returned to sender.
You who ever you are, not only stole my vote, but also my Identity, what other illegal acts have you carried out using my details. Just because I'm a few thousand miles away, does not mean I'm blind or deaf.
Which brings me to a piece of paper signed in my absence, that stated I had to comply with certain extortionate demands and sign to that effect. Silly you, I have the originals with me here, you only have copies, adding bits later is very naughty, extortion with fraud on top in fact, you may have fooled the building society etc, but I am having the last laugh.
Sleep well, I do!
A, B, Catch you later dear reader.
1 comment:
Still lucky, you are. One of our (Romanians) most beloved national sports in electoral times is (you won't believe it... or maybe you will, just because) VOTING. Nothing unusual, you'll say, but it's not just this.
No sir, we have long-time-dead people voting (not Dracula for president, although it looks like they do), we have emigrated people voting (here, not in their self-chosen new homeland), we also have unborn people voting (also here, not in Neverland). So how could one wonder that Romania is ruled the way it is, huh?
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