Its been one of those days where the hours seem to have been metricated, result of which they only have 50 instead of 60 minutes, most annoying when they limit you to the same 24 hours that everyone else with nothing to do, things to get, or any other construct destructive, whatever.
So who has nicked the missing minutes? Several associates as well as myself, have all lost these 10 minute chunks today, yes I know exam season is here and exams to invigilate, papers to mark, resits to arrange with those wonderful students already suffering from amnesia and other confused states so where are our minutes? Thats 4 hours missing today, more exams this weekend and even more confusing, when this blog is posted, it will be 01:20 here, but the time stamp at AOL will be 2 hours earlier, that makes a 6 hour loss!
Yes I do feel younger, even if a little greyer than a few days ago.
A, B, Catch you later dear reader.
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