Can you afford to reject and delete potential friends, without a second thought?
Can you afford to think and believe that you know it all, that you know enough people already to deliberately snub others because you are better than they are, the hand of friendship you bite, reject or abuse, even all three, could so easily provide, in the coming days, that snippet of information, expertise, advice, even a smile when down. The very item, thing or solace you need.
Just because you believe you have everything around you and everyone you want, is no time to adopt an anti-social stance without a second thought. Your future could and can be improved, so can the hand proffered in friendship you have so blantantly bitten. Think!
One can never have enough friends, Remember this, those you look down on now, will get great enjoyment in the coming days, as you pass them on the way down from your pedestal in the future, it could be next week, or next month, but it will most certainly happen to you.
Where will the majority of those so called friends you have now be? Protecting themselves from the fall-out of your collapse, that's where.
The friend you rejected so easily in the past, could also be the one that could have halted your demise and crash to earth from happening. You can never have too many friends. A smile, kind word, encouragement works wonders, how many of those who helped you get where you are today, do you actually know now?
Or have you deliberately used, abused and rejected them as a waste of space now that you are 'Better thanthem'. You have a problem if so, no oneis better than anyone else.
A, B, Catch you later dear reader.
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