Well Monday is looming larger and larger as I type, quiet weekend of tutoring, reading lots of lovely heavy non-fiction, fending off questions re an end of course exam on Tuesday and setting of said. Even my dreams are a couple of days (or nights) late at the moment.
Photoshoot for a forth coming 'New' photovideo, socialising last night over a Chinese, prepared by a Chinaman in a Romanian restrauant, staffed by Hungarians and eaten by 'A crazy Brit' even 'Crazier Frenchie' and my better half? along with her best mate. Truly a meal of 'International Proportions'.
Found time to drop you a line or three, whilst checking a mountain of 'junk mail' that could be of interest, as usual it isn't, if the headline doesn't grab my attention, it is 'Zapped', they never get opened, computer nasties have a habit of getting in this way.
Back to the grind again, can have a rest tomorrow (no doubt an illusion)
A, B, Catch you later dear reader.
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