Ok, 'Bugs Bunny' is a bit violent I know... http://youtube.com/watch?v=WM5Gwzk3Vfc But Elmar Thudd and other cartoon baddies in it are always back to themselves in a matter of seconds to have another go at catching 'Bugs'
'Tom & Jerry' are not much different on the violence stakes either... http://youtube.com/watch?v=iG5Px3A0u0w All sorts of horrible things happen to 'Tom' every episode, he's always better within seconds as well.
Poor old 'Wile E Coyote' forever chasing 'Roadrunner', he is technically killed at least 6 if not more times an episode... http://youtube.com/watch?v=bgsFVqfu-rM But he really does catch 'Roadrunner' in the end believe it or not, even though it takes years of episodes to do so... http://youtube.com/watch?v=KJJW7EF5aVk
Which brings me to my frustration. Why, after 65 odd years of being treated to death and destruction on a regular episodic basis are such animated cartoons cited as inducing violence and inciting said in the so called 'youth' today? Yet these cartoons can only be seen on 'YouTube' and the likes in so many Country's now. Yet Computer Games, where you have to deliberately 'Steal', 'Kill', 'Rob' , 'Maim' , 'Blow Up', is one allowed to do these and other such despicable acts to others, sometimes while 'Playing' against others on networked 'Games'. Carry on being allowed and called harmless?
The former mentioned cartoons did not do so, or boost the crime figures through the ceiling, or produce 'Copy Cat' violence etc on 'Real People' as the degenerates of today do, totally unable to unplug their minds from illusion at the right time, believing they can live as the 'Games' teach them, as they unleran reality and learn anti-social skills by 'Playing' and 'Living these games. Society loses heavily. Crime goes up, Fear of todays youth goes up, Trust in said plummets and society loses out 'Big-Time'. So what is the difference between the two items?
Answer is 'Money', loads of it! There is far more generated income from violent computer games in the form of taxes for Governments and Profits for companies than in the 65 year old cartoons. Sod the individual, 'Fill the nations coffers' with blood money please, we make more for wasting than the cost of damage done by them, money first, individuals last, greed is far more important, besides it makes it easier to control the masses if we let the degenerates bully, frighten and scare the decent people into being mice, makes it easier all round and ensures job security for the 'Boy's as well'. Who cares if the youth of today play these games all the time, then get the fixation in their tiny minds that it isn't a game, that it is really reality.
The powers that be don't care, so perhaps we should!
Answers on a postcard (or email) please.
A, B, Catch you later dear reader.
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