Are our domestic pets out evolving us?
What are they going to get up to next I wonder?
Scamp, has this interesting telephone habit, as soon as the telephone rings he
heads straight for it and tries to answer it, soon he will succeed and no doubt
say 'hello' as well, he already opens doors and windows on his own, he has been known to turn the thermostat up in a coldish room.
After running to the phone he sits listening avidly to the call wagging his tail like crazy and head slightly to one side, then the other as the conversation develops, both ears up working like mini radar dishes.
Later when a call ends he always has a puzzled look on is his little face. I think he is trying to work out why the last words in the call at this end refer to someone called 'Larry' - (Larry's a darer) La revedera!
Sometimes while eating or chewing a bone, Scamp shows a slight interest in income phone calls, waiting to hear who is calling, but without fail always runs to it as soon as he recognises the voice of the caller.
More about Scamp's Dictionary in a later blog!
Scamp can be emailed at...
A while back, talking cats on Youtube and TV seemed to be able to have very
basic conversation skills, others seem to be able to find all sorts of things
and people with an ease that makes us look very primitive.
Must fly, new cat in the home and she's not conforming to the bosses rules and regulations of the house, the boss says I must give it a lecture in the Catonese dialect on conforming.
A, B, Catch youlater dear reader!
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