Snacky 2, the non-conformist new resident here, has a tendancy to ignore the 'Boss', much to her annoyance. Conform and obey rules broken every day by 'Super-Cat'
But much to our amusement at the same time, having a life form here that refuses to comply with the rules and regulations is highly amusing to us.
So what does this cat do? Well first its a TV addict and goes crazy when the cat food adverts are on, the 'Boss' prefers the adverts so gets annoyed accordingly. The habit of having the TV on 24/7 is being broken, not only to try and keep the cat quiet, but its also cutting our electricity bill beautifully as well. (well done 'Super-Cat')
Next it decides that nights are boring, (the 'Boss' doesn't believe they should be awake at night) Snacky2 as regular as clockwork (clockmouse) clears the bedside table and spreads everything around the floor, a veritable minefield for bare feet trying to find the light switch in the dark.
The list of natural not allowed behaviour is almost endless, much to our continued amusement, just as the 'Boss' thinks she's winning, it is actually Snacky2 pretending to obey, then 'Wham' Snacky2 bursts into even more non-conformist antics as if saving them up as revenge for behaving for a few hours.
Ralphie the Golden Labrador/Retriever just grins in his unique way and lets the Snacky2 carry on, but Scamp joins in and we see them both playing tag from room to room, result a lot of laughter, plenty of nagging and a well polished floor resulting from 'Emergency' stops as well as tight cornering from them both, bearing in mind Scamp is about 8 times bigger than Snacky2, keeping out of the way of the 'Grand Prix Duo' is a must.
Must dive for cover, the latest 'Grand Prix' has just started.
A, B, Catch you later dear reader!
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