Never had a mental block or schedule to keep? Never wanted to do something and never got around to starting let finished something? Always wanted to but do not know how? Then clearly you are from another Planet, so all below clearly does not apply to you!
Symptom - You have chosen or been assigned a topic which bores you...
Possible Cures
- Choose a particular aspect of the topic you are interested in (if the situation will allow it or if the goal can be adjusted and is not given to you specifically, or if the project coordinator allows it).
- Talk to a tutor about how you can personalize a topic to make it more interesting.
Symptom - You don't want to waste time writing or don't understand the assignment...
Possible Cures
- Resign yourself to the fact that you have to complete the task.
- Find out what is expected of you (consult a teacher, textbook, student, tutor, or project coordinator).
- Look at some of the strategies for anxiety listed below.
- The past has gone, the present is here now, the future is never, so enjoy the present make it game or add a rhythm to the project in hand
Symptom - You are anxious about writing your plans down on paper...
Possible Cures
- Focus your energy by rehearsing the task in your head.
- Consciously stop the non-productive comments running through your head by replacing them with productive ones.
- If you have some "rituals" for writing (chewing gum, listening to jazz etc.), use them.
Symptom - You are so stressed you can't seem to put a word on the page...
Possible Cures
- Stretch! If you can't stand, stretch as many muscle groups as possible while staying seated.
- Try tensing and releasing muscle groups. Starting from your toes, tense up for perhaps five to ten seconds and then let go. Relax and then move on to another muscle group.
- Breathe deeply. Close your eyes; then, fill your chest cavity slowly by taking four of five short deep breaths. Hold each breath until it hurts, and then let it out slowly.
- Use a calming word or mental image to focus on while relaxing. If you choose a word, be careful not to use an imperative. Don't instruct yourself to "Calm down!" or "Relax!"
Symptom - You're self-conscious about your writing, you may have trouble getting started. So, if you're preoccupied with the idea that you have to write about a subject and feel you probably won't express yourself well...
Possible Cures
- Talk over the subject with a friend or tutor.
- Assure yourself that the initial draft doesn't have to be a work of genius, it is something to work with.
- Force yourself to write down something, however poorly worded, that matches your thought (you can revise this later) and go on with the next idea.
- Break the task up into steps. Meet the general purpose first, and then flesh out the more specific aspects later.
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