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Amazingly it is the armchair critics that set me of on a hunt to find a solution to their stupid 'I know it all' attitude, readily shooting their mouths off about a matter they know little if anything about, listening to gossip and other self-centered individuals.
So I thought about these sad souls who know only how to winge and get an audience of poor people, who know very little to hero worship the tough guy that obviously knows it all.
Problem is, these tough guys seldom make themselves known, hiding in the shadows refusing to reveal their true identities, unlike the victim of their stupidity who does not hide from the World. So motor-mouths, here is my challenge...
Put your motor-mouth to good use, click the link above and speak out loud instead of wingeing in the back ground, get paid to winge to all, stop being a narrow minded fool, earn as you learn to be a credit to yourself rather than a life long fool getting nowhere at all.
Each succesful posting will pay you $7.50 that is every time not just once. Develop and grow a pride in yourself, learn respect not only for others, but more importantly for yourself, you can do it, hiding your head in the sand like an Ostrich will only accelerate the day arriving when you find yourself alone, friendless and very very no-one at all, I don't want that - neither do you.
As for your earnings from being a critic with a face, spend wisely, not as if money is endless, your life will improve, only if you want it to, never if you inflict your stupidity on others.
Go on click the link, get paid to voice your opinion, you only have your life to lose.
While you are at it you can gain some real friends as well, I have since (a) starting blogging and(b) since joining PPP - PayPerPost -no-one is an island, no-one can hide from the world and still live a life untouched by others, there are 1000s who will meet you in your life, many will be with you for years to come, welcome to the real world my friend.
A, B, Catch you later dear reader!
blog network
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