A couple of days ago, I had one of those slow-motion unable to do anything to stop it experiences whilst out with the dogs. One of those experiences that so many wonderful emergency service people have to sadly face regularly everyday, but the aftermath. In this particular case from the sidewalk/ footpath I watched it happen - helpless to stop it from happening.
Two cars (no longer) driven by boy-racers approached a round-a-bout at excessive speed and collided with each other + a third vehicle of innocent travellers.
This is where the slow-motion kicked in...
The two boy racers side rammed the innocent travellers car unable to avoid them as well as hitting each other at the same time near-side and off-side wings grinding together. Impact speed reducing the innocent victims car almost in half its true width in seconds.
Through the windscreens emerged 2 heads then upper torso's, equally as quickly re-entered the cars they were in. The furthest of the two from me had another head do the same, this time recoil did not happen (a back seat passenger). In the car nearest to me a female passenger had a young child on her lap. No need to say more on this.
In the first vehicle of boy racers - no-seat belts were worn at all - 2 youths never went home, the third is scarred for life. In the innocent travellers car, 2 father less children will live with the accident for a long long time. In the second boy racer vehicle - again no seatbelts - 2 seriously injured and 3 who will never go home again.
The delusion that you will have time to brace yourself is exactly that - 4 or 5 seconds was all it took to remove 6 people from life to eternity. 6 lives completely ended in seconds. All because of the 'I know better attitude'. They did not know better and paid an extremely high price to learn the hard way.
In short, "BELT UP" - The hell you put families of survivors, next of kin, witnesses, and the Emergency services through is life long. Would you like to create a fatherless family by being this stupid? A grieving family, because 'you know' better? A traumatised Fireman/ Ambulance paramedic fighting to save a life? A Police officer heart in mouth telling your parents you are not coming home any more?
I seriously think not, I think not. Speed + Impact + Sudden de-accelleration with no protection ended 6 lives literally in seconds - a car 0 to 60 in 4.whatever seconds sounds impressive. However, a car 60 to 0 in as many seconds is very very destructive to life and futures.
Wear those seatbelts!
A, B, Catch you later dear reader!
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