Well I've been thinking about today's entry, somehow the content is evading my neuron, maybe its on holiday some time on its return I may be able to answer this question, till then who knows? I certainly don't
I think, therefore I am I think, or am I here? Possibly not because I'm also where you are at this moment and will be until you think about something or someone else. So while I'm with you, you are with me, bearing in mind that the time zone I'm in is now and this blog will be visited in later as well as earlier time zones, possibly at exactly the same time as here (or is it there?) then this suggests a primative form of time travel.
You are reading my thoughts from the past, now, or are you reading them before I have even written them, the time stamp on this entry will be 2 hours before I've even written it, so that should give me time to change my entry here, before I've even thought about it in the first place, let alone started to write it.
So in effect I can change your future and mine, by writing this before it is written at a later time and still have it ready for writing before it is read by you, before it is even written, but what about those who read it in the future, can I change it before they read it? Can it be unread while it is written to those in wherever?
The answer is a resounding 'Yes' Time is an illusion, Just like payday in fact, Both are 'Man' made inventions, designed to confuse, control and keep us happy, so who needs 'Time Travel' since 'Time' is artificial?
Is time really a 'Delusion'?
Its been one of those days where the hours seem to have been metricated, result of which they only have 50 instead of 60 minutes, most annoying when they limit you to the same 24 hours that everyone else with nothing to do, things to get, or any other construct destructive, whatever.So who has nicked the missing minutes? Several associates as well as myself, have all lost these 10 minute chunks today, so where are our minutes? So far 3 hours are missing today, the blog time stamp will be 2 hours earlier than I actually posted it, that makes a 6 hour loss!
Is time really a 'Delusion'?
Yes I do feel younger, even if a little greyer than a few days ago.
A, B, Catch you later dear reader!.