Pleeze Mr/Mrs Badguy, wood yew be good enuff to leave us some 'Obvious' clues in future, cos we are only humble low paid Ocifers of the law. (fink thats right, my partner who can rite proper haz a day of 2day)
We sigreosly need yaw help, yesterday 8 of us went to thined clues as two a stolen car, all we could concluesively agree on waz it had gone and it had been driven away. So you see we are a bit puzzled with no concrete clews to werk on.
Last weak a whole appeared in the road near here, we are still looking into it.
last weekend, a lorie load of wig and toupee materials (cud bee human hair) overturned, this seamed to have bin an accident, butt we r not sure, so wee r still combing the area.
A week and a half ago 5 ov us attended a crime seen with a photo
bloke, he left his camera ekwipment about 4 metres away from us, it woz stolen fromm uz.
if you know anything that mite help, can you ring us and let us know...
(a) where we are.
(b) our phone number and
(c) where yaw next crime will be, it will help us an aweful lott.
Thankyew four your time, its knot true that 3 ov us including a dog as interpreter, make a foursome. hopfully my partner will be bac twomarrow so wee can right a ploper report on toodazes hevents.
A, B, Catch you later dear reader!
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