I know you may heve heard this before, but there is no harm in refreshing your memory now and again.
Set up an anonymous email address - It's a good idea to set up a free online email address to use specifically for online dating. This way you can switch email addresses easily if you start to receive unwanted spam or messages. Sign up for a free service like hotmail or gmail and don't give your full name away in the email address itself.
Don't give out your email address freely - most dating sites offer a safe interface for you to communicate with potential partners without giving them your email address. Only give out your own email address if you're absolutely sure you can trust the person.
Be aware of potential scams - An increasing number of online criminals use dating sites to commit fraud, by gaining your trust and obtaining enough personal information to apply for bank credit in your name. Keep a close hold on details like your date of birth as these could be used to commit fraud, and aren't important for someone to know in the early stages of an online friendship.
Travelling long distances? - Be particularly wary if someone is willing to travel a very long way to see you, not to suggest that you're not worth it, but because another common scam is for someone overseas to build up the level of trust where you're willing to actually give them money to travel to see you, which they promise will be returned once they are in the country. Many people have fallen victim to this scam, and have never seen the money they sent again.
Other contact details - never give out your physical address until you've met the person and are confident you want them to know where you live. The same applies for your phone number - be wary if anyone asks you for this before you've got to know them online first, to avoid unwanted calls.
CEOP Thinkyouknow? (Web Child Safety) http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
Please keep safe dear reader,
A, B, Catch you later dear reader.
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